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I love to encourage people on their own life journeys, through creativity, gratitude, and connection with nature. One of my favorite ways to do that is through retreats and quiet days. If you are interested in inviting me to lead a quiet day, retreat, or creative immersion for your group, whether it’s a church congregation or just a group of friends, here are some topics I can offer:

Creative Immersion

We all have creativity as part of our nature, but as adults we might not connect with that part of ourselves very often. Participants in these events receive gentle encouragement to explore their own creative side, in a non-threatening and fun environment. These workshops can be tailored to a particular topic or theme, or can be purely exploratory with a certain technique or set of materials.

Gratefulness as a Spiritual Practice

Gratitude connects us to the great web of life in which we live, and to the Source of All, but we often forget to do it in everyday life. This is my favorite topic on which to lead retreats, because the more you do it, the more grounded and joyful life becomes!

Natural Contemplation

Spending time in nature is one of the easiest ways for us to feel connected with the web of life in which we are immersed. Natural Contemplation is a perfect contemplative practice for those who would rather be outside than sit on a meditation cushion!

Franciscan Spirituality

Everybody loves Saint Francis, but many folks don’t know much about him other than that he loved birds, and therefore shows up as a statue in many people’s gardens. If you’d like to explore further what made this little medieval mystic so special, we can dive into his life and his unique worldview.

Psalms and Spiritual Life

As a Franciscan, I pray the Psalms daily, and have developed creative ways of engaging with these ancient devotional texts, which I would love to share with you.

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If you are interested in discussing a possible event, please use the contact form below to get in touch!